We encourage visitors seeking grants or grant information to check our resource list below.


Please know this is not an exhaustive list. You might also consider contacting local or regional foundations, service organizations, and businesses in your area, or your state agency responsible for downtown, community or economic development. If you're not sure what other grant resources might be available in your region that our services would qualify for, please feel free to contact us.


Federal Agencies

U.S. Department of Agriculture- Rural Development (USDA-RD)

Rural Business Development Grants


U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA)

Planning and Local Business Development Grants


U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Community Development Block Grant (state and entitlement)


U.S. Department of Treasury

Certified Development Finance Institutions (CDFI) Funds


National Foundations

The Kresge Foundation


The McKnight Foundation


The Fidelity Foundation


The Ford Foundation

Copyright 2018 Place + Main Advisors, LLC

Phone: (517) 614-2733
